Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 7th, 2017 ferry to British Columbia Mainland

June 7th, 2017 ferry to British Columbia Mainland
We took the ferry from Schwartz's Landing to Vancouver first thing Wednesday morning.  We got to the ferry landing at 9:30 and secured a place in line for the 11am ferry.  They had a nice lounge and excellent wifi so I got to upload photos for the blog. After landing at Tsawwassen Landing near the city of Vancouver we headed east for Banff National Park..  So the island of Vancouver has the city of Victoria and the mainland of British Columbia has the city of Vancouver.  Go figure. After landing we traveled east stopping in Fort Langley for a late lunch and then on to a provincial camping ground near Kamloops called Le Jeune Lac.
We had good wifi at Oceanside so I tried to catch up on the blog first thing Wednesday morning.
Our rv loaded in the lower deck with all the other trucks and rv's.  This ferry had three levels for cars and trucks and rv's.
Another smaller ferry passing ours.
Mountains on the horizon in British Columbia.
Elaine was glad to see this boat.
Side view of our ferry underway.
Heading East!

We stopped in Langley BC for a late lunch. It was a spur of the moment decision.  When we parked on a side street a lady came up to us and said welcome to Langley and thank you for coming so far! She reccomended the Beatnik Bistro for lunch. It was very good.
Ordering lunch at the Beatnik.
Lunch is served. Great vege dishes.
Langley town hall.
A faerie garden in Langley.

Some geography on our way to Lac Jeune Lac

I think the keynote for this trip is all the magnificent geography we have seen

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