Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 9th, 2017 Lake Louise, Banff, Lake Moraine

June 9th, 2017 Lake Louise, Banff, Lake Moraine
Spent the day visiting Lake Louise, then on to banff, and then back to Lake Louise village and over to Lake Moraine. The geography was all spectacular and so close. It was like being inside a cathedral looking up. This is a pretty large blog post with many pictures showing the magnificent geography so there will not be as many captions.
 View of the mountains from Lake Louise.
 RV's lined up parked at the Lake Louise parking lot.

 Panoramic view of Lake Louise.
 The next series of photos are all of Lake Louise.

 Many visitors to Lake Louise.

 Lodge right on the lake.

 Another view of the visitors.
 Elaine talking with Matt lakside.
 After Lake Louise we headed south to Banff on the 1. Saw more great mountains.

 Finally got to Banff village and here I am posing with a moose in front of the Moose Hotel. So far this is the only moose we have seen this trip!

 The next series of photos are views of Banff village.
 A nod to the early explorers.

 Traveling north back to Lake Louise village we saw more great sights from a different perspective

 River swollen from the rain. Some major roads were closed due to flooding in the area.

 At Lake Louise village we stopped for a coffee and a view inside the visitor center.

  On our way up to Lake Moraine.  More incredible views.

 The final set of photos are from Lake Moraine which is surrounded by 10 peaks.
 Crazy people climbing a rock pile adjacent to the lake.

 The requisite selfie at Lake Moraine.

 All in all a great day with some lasting memories.

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